Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Raul Manglapus

Once upon a time, the Tao owned a piece of land. It was all He owned. But He cherished it, for it gave Him three things, having which, he was content: life, first of all, and liberty, and happiness.

Then one day the Spaniard came and commanded Him to pay tribute to the crown of Spain. The Tao paid tribute. And He was silent - He was certain that He was still master of His land.

The Spaniard became rich. But with riches, evil entered into him and he came to the Tao a second time. He read to the Tao a formidable document saying: "According to this Decreato Real, which unfortunately you cannot read, this that you have been paying to me is not tribute but rent, for the land is not yours but mine. The Tao paid rent and said nothing. He ceased to be a freeman. He became a serf. Still the Tao help His peace. The rent went up and up. The Tao starved.

And this time at last He spoke.

I indict the Spanish encomendero for inventing taxes impossible to bear.

I indict the usurer for saddling me with debts impossible to pay.

I indict the irresponsible radical leaders who undermine with insidious eloquence the confidence if my kind in our government,

You accuse me of not supporting my family.Free me from my bondage and I shall proved you false.

You accused me of ignorance but I am ignorant because my master finds it profitable to keep me ignorant. Free me from my bondage and I shall proved you false.

You accuse me of indolence. But I am indolent not because I have no will, but because I have no hope. Why should I labor, if all the fruits of my labor go to pay an unpayable debt? Free me from bondage and I shall prove you false.

But if you will not grant this...if you will not grant this last request, this ultimate demand, then build a wall around your home...build it high! Build it strong! Place a sentry on every parapet! For I who have been silent all these three hundred years will come in the night when you are feasting, with my cry and my bolo at your door. And may God have mercy on your soul!

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